PROEUHE Summer School 2022
Within the framework of PROEUHE Project, PROEUHE Summer School is officially organized by PROEUHE Project
Within the framework of PROEUHE Project, PROEUHE Summer School is officially organized by PROEUHE Project
The 2nd event within PROEUHE project to mark the Europe Day 2021 was held online
What is the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System? The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
1. France: University of Paris: Founded between 1160 and 1250 in the capital of France,
What is the Bologna Process? The Bologna Process seeks to bring more coherence to higher education systems across Europe.
1. How is higher education in Europe structured? Each country has its own individual higher
1. Austria: University of Vienna: The university of Vienna was etablished in 1365. It is
ProEUHE Project – “Promoting the EU and the European higher education visibility among universities in
Programme Erasmus+ Action PROJECT – Jean Monnet Information Project Proposal Call for Proposals 2020
Center for International Education
Cooperation for Excellence